Portrait — Michael Laing is a multi-award winning portrait and headshot photographer, working in London and southeast of the UK.
A portrait of blackness: A new photography project.
Portrait, ProjectMichael Laingblack, black and white, portrait, portraiture, photography, project, Master Photographer Association, MPA, Associate, Fellowship, qualification, people, black people, Bexleyheath, Bexley, Erith, Kent, London
Happy International Dog Day
Copying Karsh
The need to update my portfolio
Hurrah, I am open for business
Let me eat cake
Contrast to create (Creating a stand out image)
Re-enactment (part 4) Perfectionist
PortraitMichael Laingre-enactment, portait, details, Perfectionist, viking, saxon, norman, black and white, game, review, setting up the shot
Re-enactment (part 3) Details
Re-enactment (part 2) Creating a photo